Your registration for live bidding will not be auto-approved for these reasons:
- If your account is flagged to us for a non-payment block, you will no longer be automatically approved into any sales on our platform. You will need to get manually approved by each auction house.
- If your account is associated with another account that has a block, you will not be automatically approved.
To get auto-approval back on your account, you will need to contact whichever auction house that has placed a block(s), and resolve your issue. The auction house will be the only ones to remove these blocks on their system.
As soon as your account is "clean" and any blocks have been removed, you will be then approved for any future sales.
Please note if you have already registered for an auction, you will still be sitting in the "pending" list - you will need to ask the auction house to manually approve you for that sale.
Most of our auctioneers automatically approve bidders on our platform, however there may be some who only manually approve every bidder. If you are being approved into other sales, this may be the case. Please contact the auction house directly.
Only auctioneers can manually approve bidders, we cannot approve any bidders into sales, so please contact them directly.